What is the "Hospital La Paz Institute for Health Research" - IdiPAZ?
IdiPAZ is a result of a legal bond in the form of an agreement between La Paz University Hospital, the Autonomous University of Madrid, the Lain Entralgo Agency for Training, Research and Health Studies in the Region of Madrid and the Foundation for Biomedical Research of La Paz University Hospital -FIBHULP-, which is the managing body of the Institute. In accordance with this agreement, the purpose of IdiPAZ is to foster collaboration between researchers, promote translational biomedical research and innovation, foster collaboration between the centres that form part of IdiPAZ, promote the training of researchers (focusing particularly on the training of health professionals), increase ‘critical mass’ at the local level, promote synergies and the efficient use of the available infrastructures, promote the participation of groups in network research and the dissemination of research results and obtaining resources. 

With the signature on April 14, 2021 of the Agreement to the Collaboration between the Madrid Health Service, the Autonomous University of Madrid, European University of Madrid and the Foundation for Biomedical Research of La Paz University Hospital, IdiPAZ becomes constituted by the association of teaching and research staff of the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM), the European University of Madrid (UEM), La Paz University Hospital (HULP) and Getafe University Hospital (HUG).

The relationship between all of the institutions that form part of IdiPAZ is the result of a long-term collaboration, as evidenced by the various agreements between the institutions. The IdiPAZ founding document in the form of an Agreement was signed on 15 December 2009 by representatives of the participating institutions that form part of IdiPAZ.
Since its formal constitution it has been an institution accredited by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), renewing this accreditation in May 2015. In February 2020 the accreditation was renewed for five years.
Which strategic areas are included in IdiPAZ?
The scientific activity of IdiPAZ focuses on seven strategic areas:
  1. Neurosciences Area
  2. Cardiovascular Area
  3. Infectious diseases and immunity Area
  4. Organ system Pathologies Area
  5. Cancer and human Molecular Genetics Area
  6. Surgery, transplant and health Technologies Area 
  7. Maternal Infant Child and Youth Research Area
  8. Multidisciplinary Research in Aging
Depending on the achievement of the objectives defined for each of the areas and groups, it will be possible to redefine the areas and groups within them. Based on the results of future assessments of the External Scientific Committee (CCE), areas that do not currently appear as strategic can become part of IdiPAZ, thus providing opportunities to a greater number of research groups from other areas of research. 
What is the scientific structure of IdiPAZ?
The Scientific Structure of IdiPAZ ascribed their groups by four categories: 
Emerging Group: Researcher team led by a director who collaborates in the study of a determinate subject and with at least the following characteristics:
• The Principal Investigator and one of their team must have published articles during the last 3 years. The existence of joint publications will be evaluated positively.
• The existence of agreements with the private and/or public sectors and joint healthcare activities during this period will be evaluated positively.
Consolidated Group: Researcher team led by a director who collaborates in the study of a determinate subject and with at least the following characteristics:
• having conducted research projects funded in competitive bids during the past 5 years, whose principal investigator is the group director.
• having, during this period, a record of their own publications (first author, last author, author for correspondence or at least 3 co-authors belonging to the group), with at least 5 of them occurring in the first and/or second quartile.
Excellent Group: Researcher team led by a director who collaborate in the study of a determinate subject and who have had at least the following characteristics in the past 5 years:
• having conducted research projects funded in consecutive competitive calls, whose principal investigator is the group director.
• having participated in at least one international project or integrated project of excellence or having conducted a human resources project with international funding.
• having, during this period, a record of their own publications (first author, last author, author for correspondence or at least 3 co-authors who belong to the group), 2 of which are situated in the top ten percent.
• participation by any group members in clinical trials and/or innovation activities during this period.
• coexistence of basic and clinical profiles
In unusual cases, those groups who do not meet the established criteria but whose scientific quality is very high will be considered by the External Scientific Committee.

Associated Clinician: include those clinical researchers who conduct research activity as principal researcher, co-principal researcher or collaborating researchers in a competitive project managed by FIBHULP and who are not included in any IdiPAZ research group
What do I get out of incorporating myself into the IdiPAZ scientific structure?
The main objective of the Institutes for Health Research is the convergence of basic and clinical research, to create groups engaged in performing high-quality translational research. The centralised management structure of IdiPAZ facilitates access to project information by researchers, giving them new tools for internal control of their projects. Moreover, belonging to an Institute for Health Research allows its researchers to attend public fundraising opportunities for research specific to these entities. 
How I can become part of IdiPAZ?
The Scientific Structure of IdiPAZ is dynamic and open to the participation of new researchers, research groups and institutions. The strategic situation in which La Paz University Hospital and IdiPAZ find themselves, surrounded by leading research institutions, supports the addition of new groups.

To process new entries of researchers or research groups, IdiPAZ has several Standard Operating Procedures (PNTs). 

The External Scientific Committee (CCE) of IdiPAZ, formed by reputable national and international researchers, meets periodically to evaluate candidate groups, confirming they meet the minimum requirements to form part of the IdiPAZ structure. Once the CCE gives a favourable evaluation, the Governing Council will approve their entry into IdiPAZ. 
Can a researcher be part of two groups or two Institutes for Health Research?
Each researcher can only belong to one research group within the organisational structure of IdiPAZ, and only to one Institute for Health Research. 
Appropriate citation for IdiPAZ
There is a corporate affiliation guideline for researchers for IdiPAZ´s researchers. In addition to their own affiliation when citing in scientific publications, IdiPAZ must always appear. It is up to the author of the article whether or not to write the IdiPAZ acronym out in full. The full name in Spanish is "Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria del Hospital Universitario La Paz" and in English "Hospital La Paz Institute for Health Research".