
Excellent Group
Jefe de Sección del Servicio de Pediatría Hospitalaria, Enfermedades Infecciosas y Tropicales
Hospital Universitario La Paz
Rosa María Alcobendas Rueda
Médica Adjuna en Reunmatología Pediátrica
Hospital Universitario La Paz
Sonia Alcolea Ruiz
Investigadora Predoctoral
Hospital Universitario La Paz
María Mercedes Bueno Campaña
Facultativo Especialista de Área en Pediatría
Hospital Fundación de Alcorclón
María Cabrerizo Sanz
Investigador titular
Instituto de Salud Carlos III
Sara Camarero Serrano
Ayudante de Investigación
Instituto de Salud Carlos III
Inmaculada Casas Flechas
Investigador Cientifico de OPIs
Instituto de Salud Carlos III
Teresa del Rosal Rabes
Médico Adjunto de Pediatría Hospitalaria y Enfermedades Infecciosas y Tropicales
Hospital Universitario La Paz
María Luz García  García
Jefe de Servicio de Pediatría
Hospital Universitario Severo Ochoa
Paula García Sánchez
Médico Adjunto en Servicio de Urgencias Pediátricas
Hospital Universitario La Paz
Carlos Grasa Lozano
Contrato Río Hortega
Hospital Universitario La Paz
Jara Hurtado Gallego
Investigadora Postdoctoral
María de la Montaña Iglesias Caballero
Técnica Superior Especializada de OPIs
Centro Nacional de Microbiología. Instituto de Salud Carlos III
Ana María Méndez Echevarría
Facultativo Especialista de Área en Pediatría General
Hospital Universitario La Paz
Claudia Millán Longo
Médica Adjuna en Servicio de Pediatría General e Infecciosa
Hospital Universitario La Paz
Mar Molinero Calamita
Colaboradora I+D+I
Centro Nacional de Microbiología. Instituto de Salud Carlos III
Juan Francisco Pozo Sánchez
Investigador Titular de OPIs
Unidad de Virus Respiratorios y Gripe. Instituto de Salud Carlos III
Clara Udaondo Gascón
Facultativo Especialista en  Reumatologa Pediátrica
Hospital Universitario La Paz
Strategic Objective
Infectious diseases are the most common pathology in childhood. Our group is focused on the study of pediatric infections with special attention to those associated with viruses from a multidisciplinary point of view and with the application of metagenomics techniques to the knowledge of these infections and the study of the host's immune response.
Acute respiratory infections (ARIs) of the lower respiratory tract are the most common in humans and account for at least 4 million deaths annually in the world. A significant proportion of them occur in children. In our country, ARIs are the most frequent cause of hospitalization in children under 2 years of age. By applying metagenomics to the design and development of diagnostic techniques for ARIs, we aim to increase knowledge of viral infections in children of all ages, hospitalized or outpatients. Metagenomics can allow us to recognize new viruses and deepen our knowledge of existing ones. Any new technological development and its application to respiratory infection will mean an improvement in the diagnosis of these infections and will be immediately applied to resolve public health alerts in respiratory infections such as MERS-CoV, avian flu or influenza. other flu pandemics. The pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2 and the COVID-19 disease in children has occupied a large part of our group's research since its appearance.
We are also interested in the study of the child's immune response to viral infections and the mechanisms that allow the subsequent development of recurrent wheezing and asthma (the most common chronic pathology in childhood).
Emerging viral infections also play an important role in childhood pathology. Recently picornaviruses, especially human parechovirus and enterovirus, are causing epidemics of severe neurological infections causing morbidity and mortality. They are being associated with a wide range of pathologies that range from febrile syndromes to respiratory, neurological and systemic symptoms. In newborns, these infections can be serious and even fatal. Surveillance of these polio-like diseases is also a cause of concern for public health and is one of the objectives of our group.
Finally, studying infections in vulnerable and high-risk groups of children who are often the most forgotten (newborns, chronic lung disease, immunodeficient, cancer patients...) is also a priority for our group. In this sense, we have recently included a line of zoonoses and other emerging infections such as invasive fungal infection.
Research Lines
                1.Respiratory viral infections in healthy and high-risk children.
• Respiratory viral infections in hospitalized children. Viral metagenomic methods applied to the severe infections of the lower respiratory tract. SARS-CoV-2 infections in children.
• Respiratory viral infections in children in Primary Care. Diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases in Primary Care.
• Respiratory viral infections in high-risk group of children (newborn, chronic lung diseases, immunodefiencies, oncologic patients…). Torqueteno virus in immunocompromised children.
• Applying of new technologies as echography to value risk conditions in viral infections.

2.Immune response of the children and interleukins profile in infants with respiratory viral infections and correlation with the development of recurrent wheezing in the first years of life. Role of microbiome.

3.Detection and characterization of enterovirus (EV) and parechovirus (PeV) systemic and neurological infections in children. Neurological development in children with EV and PeV infections.

4.Infections related with locomotor system. Osteoarticular infections. Infections in children with rheumatic diseases. Kawasaki disease.

5.Emerging infections in high-risk children: zoonosis and invasive fungal infections