Pablo Daniel Lapunzina Badía
Facultativo Especialista de Área en Genética
Hospital Universitario La Paz
Pedro Arias Lajara
Técnico de Laboratorio
Hospital Universitario La Paz
Ángel Campos Barros
Investigador Senior (Contrato Miguel Servet- I2)
Jefe de Laboratorio
Hospital Universitario La Paz
Luis Fernández García-Moya
Hospital Universitario La Paz
María Victoria Fernández Montaña
Técnico de Laboratorio
Hospital Universitario La Paz
Fe Amalia García Santiago
Hospital Universitario La Paz
Isabel Gómez Nieto
Técnico de Laboratorio
Hospital Universitario La Paz
Karen Elise Heath
Investigadora Senior (Contrato Ramón y Cajal- I3).
Jefe de Laboratorio
Hospital Universitario La Paz
Juan Andrés Jiménez Estrada
Investigador Postdoctoral
Teresa López Timénez
Técnico de Laboratorio
Hospital Universitario La Paz
Alicia Llorente Alonso
Técnico de Laboratorio
Hospital Universitario La Paz
María Elena Mansilla Aparicio
Hospital Universitario La Paz
Pilar Martínez González
Hospital Universitario La Paz
José Carlos Moreno Navarro
Facultativo Especialista de Área en Genética
Hospital Universitario La Paz
Julián Nevado Blanco
Hospital Universitario La Paz
María Palomares Bralo
Hospital Universitario La Paz
Víctor Luis Ruiz Pérez
Investigador Cientifico de OPIs
Jefe de laboratorio
IIB "Sols Morreale"
Elena Vallespín García
Jefa de Grupo de la Sección de Ofalmogenética Molecular
Hospital Universitario La Paz
Strategic Objective
This is a clinical and basic research team that conducts several lines of research into early diagnosis, disease mechanisms and new therapeutic strategies for genetic diseases, developmental disorders and congenital defects.
It is a heterogeneous group consisting of physicians, pharmacists, molecular biologists, bioinformaticians, technicians and administrative officers.
Research Lines
• Subtelomeric rearrangements in patients with idiopathic mental retardation.
• Genetic and functional analysis of the SHOX and SHOX2 genes in human growth.
• Overgrowth syndromes. Clinical and molecular analysis.
• Genetic determinants of syndromic and non-syndromic proportional short stature
• Genetic detrerminants of disglycaemia: hypoglycaemia, diabetes
mellitus and hyperinsulinism.
• Genetic determinants of congenital hypopitutarism.
• SNPs arrays in pharmacogenetics, HIV patients and genetic associations.
• CGHarrays and genomic rearrangements in patients with congenital malformations, intelectual disability and tumores.
• Molecular genetics of hypertrophic myocardiopathy.
• Functional analysis of CLCN1 mutations in congenital myotonia.
• Molecular study of endothelial dysfunction in diabetes and ageing.
• Molecular characterization of the 22q11.2 región by MLPA, microsatélites and FISH.
• Pharmacogenetics and pharcogenomics.
• Autosomal recessive osteogénesis imperfecta.
• Genomic tools for diagnosis: BAC, oligos and SNP arrays.
• Macrocephaly-capillary malformations and syndromes with macrocephaly.
• Next generation sequencing as a new tool in the diagnosis of genetic diseases.
• Classification and Ontolgies of Diseases
• Primary Pulmonary hypertension
• Análisis genómico global en el Síndrome de invdup(15) [idic(15)
• Molecular characterization of inv dup del (8p) by Karyotype, SNP 2023 arrays and FISH
Objectives and Portfolio of services
The Institute has a specific vision to apply the results arising from our organisation and research in improving health care for patients with common and rare genetic diseases, making it one of the reference frameworks for the comprehensive care of genetic and rare diseases in the Madrid region.
The added value of the Institute of Medical and Molecular Genetics (INGEMM) lies in the participation of various working groups belonging to different areas of IdiPAZ, with the involvement of clinicians, teachers and investigators by establishing and enhancing collaboration, knowledge and infrastructure as well as translational research between the different groups involved. This multidisciplinary team will consist of physicians, biologists, chemists, pharmacists, technicians, geneticists, biotechnologists, etc., addressing new technologies of modern genetics in the study of these types of diseases.
The Institute of Medical and Molecular Genetics (INGEMM) offers a comprehensive portfolio of services that are detailed in the attached document.