Jefe de Servicio de Geriatría
Profesor Asociado
Hospital Universitario La Paz
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Rocío Menéndez Colino
Facultativo Especialista de Área en Geriatría
Hospital de Cantoblanco - Hospital Universitario La Paz
Francesca Argentina
Facultativo Especialista en Geriatría
Hospital Universitario La Paz
Patricia Ysabel Condorhuamán Alvarado
Facultativo Especialista de Área en Geriatría
Hospital Universitario La Paz
Victoria María Déniz González
Enfermera Especialista en Geriatría
Hospital Universitario La Paz
Javier Gómez Pavón
Jefe de Servicio de Geriatría y de Cuidados Paliativos
Hospital Central Cruz Roja  San José y Santa Adela
Silvia Martín Martín
Enfermera Especialista en Geriatría
Ana Merello de Miguel
Facultativo Especialista de Área en Geriatría
Hospital Universitario La Paz
Raquel Ramírez Martín
Médico Interno Residente
Hospital Universitario La Paz
Paola Pastora Reinoso Párraga
Facultativo Especialista de Área en Geriatría
Hospital Universitario La Paz
Peggy Paola Ríos Germán
Médico Interno Residente en Geriatría
Hospital Universitario La Paz
María del Pilar Sáez López
Facultativo Especialista de Área en Geriatría
Complejo Asistencial de Ávila
Strategic Objective
• To promote and improve the quality of research in the field of Primary Health Care and Geriatrics in the area of influence of IdiPAZ.
• To continue the follow-up of the Cohorts of the Group: elderly people with population-based (Peñagrande Study), patients with frailty syndrome (FONDA) and patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (MADiabetes).
• Progress in the epidemiological study of frailty in the elderly.
• To consolidate clinical studies related to hip fracture and chronic diseases in the elderly, specially the Diabetes Mellitus.
Research Lines
• Frailty syndrome in the elderly. To promote the detection of frailty syndrome in elderly people above 75 years that consults at the Primary Heatlh Care Center of the Hospital La Paz Setting and create a new cohort of those patients with functional impairment. Additionally, to develop and evaluate an intervention program with these patients, focused on the physical exercise, the geriatric evaluation, management of comorbidity, in the medication adjustment y in nutritional supplementation when necessary.
• Hip fracture in the frail elderly. To evaluated the implementation and evaluation of the FONDA intervention with frail elderly patients hospitalized at the La Paz Hospital based on: physical exercise program (active and passive), early normalization of plasma levels of VitD, nutritional supplementation in patients with hypoproteinemia, low or vitamin D deficiency, and control of the pain and anemia.
• Follow-up of patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (MADiabetes Cohort, more than 3.500 patients) and prediabetes patients (SPREDIA Cohort, n=600) of Madrid, to analyze clinical and psychosocial factors related to clinical outcomes (cardiovascular events, chronic kidney disease, retinopathy, and mortality), we are developing predictive models for main outcomes (chronic kidney disease, all-cause mortality and cardiovascular mortality).