Esther Rey Cuevas
Director of Nursing
Hospital Universitario La Paz
Laura Alonso Recio
Profesora Contratada
Universidad de Educación a Distancia
Jesús Castro Toro
Supervisor de Área Funcional
Hospital Universitario La Paz
Víctor Manuel Cornejo del Río
Supervisor de Unidad Quirúrgica
Hospital Carlos III- Hospital Universitario La Paz
María Ricardina Delgado Sandoval
Enfermera en Servicio de Consultas Externas
Hospital Universitario La Paz
María Luisa Díaz Martínez
Profesora Contratada
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
María Durán Agüí
Enfermera en Servicio de Medicina Interna
Hospital Universitario La Paz
Salomé Herrero Cereceda
Enfermera Unidad Quirúrgica
Hospital Cantoblanco-Hospital Universitario La Paz
Patricia Luna Castaño
Enfermera en Servicio de Cuidados Intensivos Pediátricos
Hospital Universitario La Paz
Pedro Piqueras Rodríguez
Supervisor de Enfermería en Unidad de Neonatología
Hospital Universitario La Paz
Ana Ramos Cruz
Supervisor de Enfermería en Reanimación Maternidad
Profesora Asociada de Grado de Enfermería 
Hospital Universitario La Paz
Centro Universitario de Ciencias de la Salud San Rafael-Nebrija
María del Carmen Sellán Soto
Profesora Contratada
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Gema Tapia Serrano
Enfermera de Cuidados Intensivos Pediátricos
Hospital Universitario La Paz
Strategic Objective
Care is an indispensable activity for survival, since humanity exists. Care has been relevant as a primary function to promote and develop all those activities that make people live.

This research group aims to collaborate on growing clinical evidence on health care. The real gap between what generates scientific knowledge and the decisions that are made in the day to day is ethically unacceptable. Between 30 and 40% of patients do not receive care consistent with the results of the research and around 20-25% of care may be unnecessary or potentially harmful. Evidence-Based Practice (PBE) or Evidence is based on the fact that greater knowledge and use of research results in clinical practice will contribute to improving the health of the population. Today, it is well known that the implementation of the best scientific evidence available in the clinical practice improves quality of care and clinical outcomes.

In addition, decision-makers based on available evidence tend to be more satisfied with their role and focus on improving the quality of care given to patients.

Finally, it should be noted that using evidence in daily practice can achieve health goals at a minimum cost. Cost-effectiveness studies have been conducted in which evidence-based care is linked to a reduction in health costs compared to traditional care.

At the same time, society is facing new economic, political, demographic, social and cultural challenges that require health services capable of meeting the growing health needs of the population.

It is necessary to investigate in clinical practice the most advanced care in order to achieve the full development of care and ensure the achievement of the best results in terms of overall health and quality of life of patients, Effectiveness of interventions, greater cohesion of health care teams, and of course, all contribute to the sustainability of the health system and user satisfaction.
Research Lines
• Vital Processes and complex care.
• Technological innovation and its application in health care.
• Management of care and results of professional practice.